Our mission is to deliver quality chiropractic care, massage therapy, and herbal supplements to our patients to improve their health and well-being. We are dedicated to providing personalized care and helping our patients achieve optimal wellness and vitality.
A Chiropractic adjustment is the use of a specific force in a precise direction that helps normalize spinal and nervous system function. The adjustment is applied to a joint that is fixated, locked up, or not moving properly. Adjustments help return the bones to a more normal position or motion, restoring body's natural healing.​​​​
Chiropractic techniques utilized by Dr. Sandra A. Licata are Activator Methods, Sacro-occipital technique, Applied Kinesiology, Diversified Manual technique, Motion Palpation, NIMMO deep tissue therapy, Cupping, Kinesio-joint taping (rocktape), and Thompson technique.
Massage Therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person's health and well-being. Massage can help with relaxation, deep tissue, carpal tunnel, bulging discs, whiplash, headaches and TMJ (jaw) pain.
Massage techniques utilized by Michael J. Grasso are Relaxation, deep tissue, Cupping, Kinesio joint taping (rocktape), Rocktape Mobility trained.​
​Cupping is a negative or reverser massage action. Unlike acupressure or massage therapy which compresses the muscles and tissues, cupping decompresses and gently suctions and lifts the skin into the cup using silicone cups, glass jars, a vacuum gun or bulb.
Uses for cupping are lymphatic drainage to remove toxins from the body. Also for sports injuries, muscle and joint pain, connective tissue, headaches, respiratory issues like cough and cold, tooth pain, and much more.